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WPCA Meeting Minutes 01/19/06


The Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Authority met on Thursday, January 19, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.  Those present and voting were George James (Acting Chairman), Mervin Roberts (Acting Vice Chairman), Louisa Grogan (Treasurer), Dmitry Tolchinsky, Joe O’Connor, Michael Dickey and Steve Dix.  Also present was Ron Rose, Sanitarian.

Acting Chairman James called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.    


A motion was made by Joe O’Connor, seconded by Mike Dickey and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2005 Regular Meeting.

Chairman’s Report

Acting Chairman James distributed a copy of the standard letter to pumpers, noting that the fee has been raised from 6 cents to 7 cents per gallon.  He noted that the letter will be sent the first of February.

Acting Chairman James noted that he has distributed copies to all WPCA members via email of the warning letters to homeowners, the first for homeowners who are still in arrears.  He questioned whether the Commission members wanted to enforce the existing Regulation of the $50.00 late pumping fee.  Mr. James indicated that the Ordinance drafted by Attorney Wells will be voted on at Town Meeting on January 23, 2006.  Mr. James noted that every three months the homeowner will be assessed an additional $50.00 fee for non-compliance.  Mr. Roberts suggested clarifying the letter in this regard.  Mr. Dickey suggested stating that there will be “an additional” rather than “second $50.00 late fee.”  Mr. Rose stated that they could also explain in the letter that at the end of the 90-day period from receipt of the letter their permit to discharge will be revoked.

Mr. O’Connor read the WPCA Regulations regarding the procedure followed for late pump-outs.  Mr. James suggested quoting the Regulation in the warning letter.  Mr. O’Connor noted that the letters will be sent Certified Mail.

The Commission members reviewed the second draft letter, reminding homeowners that they need to have their systems pumped within the year.  Mr. O’Connor indicated that they do not necessarily have to pump within the year, but rather before the anniversary of their last pump-out.  Mr. Dickey pointed out a few typographical errors in both letters.

Election of Officers

Acting Chairman James stated that Tom Risom has agreed to become Chairman if he is so elected.  He indicated that Roger Bruenig has agreed to become Vice Chairman if elected.  Mr. James noted that neither Mr. Risom nor Mr. Bruenig are present this evening and noted that Mr. Bruenig is out of Town until March or April.  

Mr. Roberts nominated Tom Risom as Chairman of the WPCA.  No other nominations were presented.

A motion was made by Mervin Roberts, seconded by Louisa Grogan and voted unanimously to elect Tom Risom as Chairman.

Mr. Tolchinski stated that he believes the Vice Chairman should be available to attend meetings and should live in Old Lyme full time.

Dimitry Tolchinski made a motion to postpone the election of the Vice Chairman until Tom Risom is present; seconded by Mervin Roberts.  So voted unanimously.


Mr. James read the proposed 2006/2007 budget, noting that there are not many changes.  He noted that they have raised the line item for postage to accommodate the Certified Mailings.  He explained that Tim Griswold has suggested that the ground water investigations and inspection management plan budgeting should be with the Health Department.  Mr. James stated that they have also raised the amount for legal counsel slightly in case the WPCA has to take a homeowner to Court.  He reiterated that this budget is a draft.

Mr. Rose stated that they are still waiting to hear from Wetlands to clean Sheffield Brook.  He noted that the Commission meets again on January 24, 2006.  Mr. James noted that if this work is not done by the end of the budget year in June, the money must be carried over.  Mr. Rose indicated that if the Brook is not cleaned before then the beaches will probably have to be closed.

A motion was made by Dimitry Tolchinski, seconded by Mike Dickey and voted unanimously to approve the proposed 2006/2007 budget for presentation to the Board of Finance.
Mr. James stated that Mr. Dix has put together a more formal presentation for setting up a Management Plan.  Mr. James distributed a letter from Mr. Dix which the Commission members took a few minutes to read.

Mr. Dix explained that he spoke with Warren Herzig to discuss the need for a management plan.  He noted that Mr. Herzig expressed that Old Saybrook is a special case because of their legal situation and the Town of Old Lyme would have to negotiate with Scully and work with the Health Code.  Mr. Rose stated that until DEP and the State Health Department works things out, Old Lyme’s hands are tied.  Lengthy discussion ensued regarding this matter, and ultimately, the Commission agreed to discuss this again at an upcoming meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m. on a motion by Louisa Grogan and seconded by Mervin Roberts.  So voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan J. Bartlett